domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

2015 - A Estréia no Trail Run

Que eu fiquei completamente apaixonado pelo Trail Run nem precisa dizer, e os motivos também são fáceis de adivinhar, mas, talvez o que não tenha ocorrido com outras pessoas foi a sensação que eu tive de quando comecei no triathlon em 1997. Começar um esporte onde os praticantes ainda são poucos e consequentemente são os que praticam e compartilham da filosofia e o estilo de vida que ele traz. A corrida de montanha é mais que correr no mato, é se conscientizar o quanto é importante cuidar da natureza, do mundo, é se integrar ao ambiente onde você vive, é ser um defensor dele. Além disso, é um esporte que muda um pouco sua visão quanto a ideia de posses materiais versus felicidade, aqui não tem rodas de carbono, rolamentos de cerâmica e outros itens milionários. Aqui é você, um par de tênis e a natureza. No inicio você quer comprar todos os equipamentos da Salomon, mas com o passar do tempo você vai desapegando um pouco porque descobre que o que realmente faz diferença no Trail Run é você estar feliz enquanto estiver correndo, aproveitar o contato com a natureza e então qualquer equipamento deixa de ser percebido.


EL CRUCE - 100km / 3dias - Bariloche - Fevereiro

Já comecei na Disney do Trail, uma corrida cara que vai um pouco contra a filosofia que falei, mas que vale cada centavo. Você é super bem tratado por todos e a todo momento é elevado a superação de todos os atletas no desafio. Sem dúvida entra na bucket list das provas de trail.


Vamos começar a explorar os cantos do mundo? Uma das grandes características do trail? Essa prova foi muito muito bacana, com uma estrutura muito menor, o clima familiar e de fácil amizade de pessoas me impressionou muito! Me senti como no inicio do Triathlon. Prova desafiadora com novos elementos como se preparar para sangue sugas e um corte feio que tive no nariz no ultimo dia. Tudo vencido, uma experiencia top demais!


Dessa prova aí o que se pode aprender é que o Brasil ainda está muito longe de ter muitas provas com o real trail run, fora de estradões de fazendas basicamente. 80k que viraram 90, onde pelo menos 70% foram estradões. Mas o esporte salva, de qualquer maneira foi um grande desafio onde vi que pra passar dos 50, 60km tem que treinar. E a viagem com a tribo da Ultra Sports valeu a pena, novos circulos de amizade e aprendizado.


Prova alucinante! Mais novas experiencias. Prova em que a organização demanda que você faça trabalho voluntário na marcação das trilhas onde você irá competir, ou que leve água, qualquer coisa. Eu como estava aqui no Brasil, aceitaram que eu fizesse um trabalho por aqui mesmo, incrível, a prova da essência do trail run!
E essa prova me pôs numa nova categoria, a skyrunning, prova em que chega-se a um pico de montanha e la a gente corre por kms na cordilheira, no topo, na "ridge line" como eles dizem. Olha, simplesmente demais! Só quero isso! A sensação de liberdade quando se esta correndo sem absolutamente nada ao seu redor, no topo de tudo é literalmente de estar voando. Sensacional!

7 CURVAS - 28km - Venda Nova do Imigrante

Uma grata surpresa! Você viaja o mundo todo e chega no seu estado e sabe que tem um imenso potencial e lugares para o trail run, mas a maioria das provas resume-se a estradões e um off road ao invés de trilha e técnica. MAS, ai vem a prova que o Allen organizou, está de nota 10, boa proporção entre estradão e trilhas, inclusive com trechos técnicos! Espero que continue se esforçando para realizar provas verdadeiras e não apenas comercial!


Meu amigo se você está pensando em começar no trail run, porque alguma das coisas que falei você se identificou, mergulha de cabeça! Quanto mais gente tivermos NA natureza, mais teremos consciência do quanto dependemos dela e que ela é o que importa! Satisfação Garantida!


Tem dúvida, quer ajuda, não sabe onde correr, como começar, qualquer coisa? Escreve ai que o Doidão responde!

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Papai Noel Trail Runner


Versão Salomon do Papai Noel que entrega os presentes nos Alpes Suiços, Himalaia e por aí vai kkkkkk.

Ou então você pode fazer igual quando era criança e recortava os anúncios de jornal dos presentes que queria ganhar? Então, tá aí o kit completo de Natal.

Brincadeiras a parte, um Feliz Natal a todos! E vamos fazer como Papai Noel, morar no Polo Norte ou num alto de uma montanha nevada!

English Version (sorry, by google)


This what would be a version of mine as Santa Claus and sponsored by Salomon hahaha!

I would be the Santa who delivers the gifts to children in Alps!

Jokes beside, a happy christmas to everyone! And a lot of snow, mountain and maybe North Pole for us?

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

2016 Começou! Velebit Ultra Trail

Já temos mais uma prova internacional confirmada para 2016! A Velebit Ultra Trail na Croácia dia 25/06.

A PROVA: Essa prova está em 14a edição e descobri ela através do site da UTMB, o legal da prova, claro, está no seu local. O Parque Nacional Velebit, uma cadeia de montanhas de 145km de extensão que surge logo na costa do Mar Adriático, uma região inóspita com mais de 50 picos com 1500m de altitude.

   A prova possui categorias de 30, 42, 82 e a ultra de 163km. Ainda estou pensando em enfrentar os 42k ou 82k, o que voces acham? Qualquer que seja a opção, ambas chegam ao pico mais alto Vaganski de 1751m e vários trechos de ridge line. Minha dúvida sempre paira no pensamento quando chego ao km 40, "ótimo momento para o final de prova, já está bom demais", mas antes de se inscrever é também sempre a mesma história, "tenho que fazer os 80, 100km, me acostumar com o sofrimento na montanha, seguir em frente". Sinceramente até o momento não sei.

COMO CHEGAR: Para quem se interessou, meu voo será Sao Paulo x Paris x Zagreb, a capital da Croácia daonde de onibus consegue-se chegar ao litoral a minha cidade destino Starigrad.

VIAGEM: A idéia é além do litoral da Croácia seguir subindo em direção a Eslovenia e visitar as florestas magnificas desse país. Contornando e chegando novamente a Zagreb para o retorno.

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2015

10/12/2015 fratura do cóccix

Hoje saindo pra um treino bobo na fonte grande com Roberto e um amigo dele tomei uma queda mais boba ainda numa subidinha. Mas tive o azar de cair sentado é exatamente na quina de uma pedra. Muita dor e fui direto pro apart e nao teve jeito, uma bela fratura na sacral pouco acima do cóccix.
Adeus final do brasileiro de corrida de aventura e agora torcendo pra uma boa recuperação e poder correr bem no chile a Andes Infernal dia 16/01. Nessa prova ja troquei a diatancia de 51k pra 28k nao so por conta da fratura mas pela altitude que ia a 5.400m e agora so chega a 4.100m, quero repetir a dose ano que vem, ir antes e aclimatar pra fazer!

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

23-05-15 Endurance Challenge North Face Agulhas Negras

Totally in love with trail run I decided to take a step further and try a really ultra trail race, the choose one was the North Face brand by the first time in Brasil on a amazing region called Agulhas Negras near Rio. 2 weeks before the race we got a terrible news that the course it would have to change cause the park
administration had denied (after a permission) the autorizathion to run inside controlled areas. Ok, we still have 80km and the organization promised a great run.
As usual and as in the Ironman I didn't trained for this kind of race and believed that my backgroud would be enough.
My plan was try the 80 and then go to the 100 and more for 2017 arrives at the UTMT. Well let's go to the race report

4:00 in the morning, a cooling perfect weather around 12 celsius and here we go. Started and the first 7k was on gravel road to get to a big descent in single track, went a good pace to get to the single in a good pack where slow people could not hold me, went perfect. After that, some plains and at around 20k the first ascend. Everything was fine but I started to feel hungry and even eating that it happens to one of the problems of the day, not so bug but a discomfort. First ascend and descend, just after another one and we got to the 42k where the races changes totally, first because was my limit of good effort versus my training and second the last 40k was mostly plains, so this means fast!
I wasn't feeling in that way, my legs was complaining and I decided to administrate the situation on running parts switch with walks. A lot of people passed me but it was working, I was happy considering my volume in training. And at km 60 everything fall apart, my feet could not take anymore the rocks on the route, full of blisters and hurts from so much impacts. Then a guy stopped and gelped me with a paracetamol pill and a band, more than chemical this gave me a up on my mind and a commitment to finish since someone stopped to gelp me.
8k on a food pace, gave me around 74k, and by that time we should reach the before last checkpoint, something that didn't happened, questions become to flood my head and at 78k we reach the cp when they told us that we had more 12k to finish. This was killing, i was expecting to eat no more and give my last breathe and arrived, had to start eat again and replan everything since we had more almost 2 hours ahead, simple crazy.
Those last km was simple in a forgotten part of my brain, when aI reached the last 4k that it was on the jungle and single track I tried to enjoy again even thinking that I could be doing that with the sunlight and much more fun, but? At the , lasting like 2k I met the guy who helpe me, so cool see a know face, he was with a girl wich was suffering but I decided to stay with them and share that good/bad feeling mixed. 
A fee minutes and we arrived, a lot of people that has passed me early had just arrived some minutes before either wich shows that the race was really tuff.
At the got a litle frustrated by the plan of the race, but conscious that the really problem was my lack of training and even durkng the race I had decided to stay in the middle 42 k distances wich I can go faster and enjoy more the trails.
At the really happy at the bottom, a great experience of suffering, happy to did something that only people more prepared did it and happy to be a on new and great sport wich envolves so many friendship!

Planning the next, for sure 30 mile in the Victoria region of Canada! WOWWW!

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

13/4 - trip back

And a long journey it was about to began again.
... But went as my ingoing, long but quite ok. Once again a stop in ny and Amazon Locker pick up some things to sell in Brazil and that is it! 

What a great trip, probably come back for this asian people wich enjoys have you in their home in differents ways, good prices mostly and organized country! Coooool!

10 -13 /4 - End of Asia trip

Back to Singapore, Ruck Sack Hostel, went chinatown for this time taste a lot of different foods, duck and oyster
Back at hostel discovered that the barbecue was all set and I with no hungry, but has to joined since it was my idea. Bought a couple of beers and spend some time chating before going bed. Last day of trip, Universal Studios Singapore. Off course it is not like Florida, but went to be a pleasure day
And a extra gift it was where the parl is, at Sentosa Island, this all remodeled island to be like a giant resort with casinos, hotels, beaches, parks and a lot more,
simply amazing. Went to the beach by walk and know the place, after that come back.

Got at hostel by almost 9pm time to book the taxi and pack things

08 - 10/04 Bali Days

08/04 arrived at Bali by the night, said goodbye to Patricia and took the cab for my Matahari Bungalow Hotel
at Kuta (20 reais). Arrived at hotel and great surprise, as described a little paradise in middle of Kuta, huge room, great architeture, great pool.
..costing only 70 reais. Took a shower and went for a walk at Kuta. Definitely the right choice, so much options from eat and party and all by walk. Stopped at a bar ate some burger beer
a little more walk to know the place and went bed. Like 30 reais.

09/04 in the second day woke up like early took my breakfast and started to decide wich activities I will gonna do, mas what a tuff decision, so much to see and do it. Believe me, costed all morning to decide, after while I went outside to find some tour offices to buy packages.  Since in Kuta everyone wants to party the offices was horrible and no info about climb for example, that took the eafting package for the next day and by the afternoon decided to take the motorcycle to Aman Temple, costed me some time and a exprience to ride in Bali traffic
But arrived at rhe end. Not sooooi beautiful
as long on my way I could see a lot of more public temple and much beatiful. From there straight to Mana Loth temple for the sunrise, great and rouristic place, the tide was low so was able to walk all surrounded area
Andby the end discovered that the coast goes more, started walk with some dark already
And lucky arrived at almost beginning of the cultural dance fire, costed me 15 reais and entry, great show, so beatiful how they so many details with golden and everything 
By the end had the chance to took pictures with the perfomances
Back to Kuta and in my way on Legian street saw a bar with live music, decided to go there for dinner, great choice Nero Bar is great, not so cheap but worth

09/04 Rafting day, woke up and let's readting. The guy picked up me at 8am and some others guys and we arrived after some traffic around 10:30 at rafting area, the course here was so shallow butalways with turns wich makes a different and exciting, a stop at a waterfall 
And at the end a 4 mts drop 
We had some included lunch and it arrived back around 4:30pm. The rafting was 100 reais. Took a walk early as next day I will wake up at 1 am to the climb, and at last decided to repeat, yes, repeat Nero bar, today with acoustic band and a great tuna fillet, got bed for a few "moments" actually.

10/04 my last full day at Bali went to do the Mount Batur climb, a 120 reais tour took me at hotel and some other guys and we went to the volcano had some banana pancakes and started the climbing. A loooooot of people and my group was so slow that i escaped and went for myself, strong climb and arrived at summit 
With time to explore, went to the highest part, watch the guys cooking the eggs with the mountain steam, got back lowerto see the crater And took pictures with the sign 
Had my breakfast and time to descend. At the end good day, beautiful place 
And very polite the guys from Singapore. Went back to hotel after a long journey. After a luch at Vi Ai Pi and some rest went to Legian Beach, took a walk and by the end stayed for rhe sunset, the last in Bali. 

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2015

06/04/2015 Relax Day

Took my apartment thinking that it was a nice way to cook some seafood and relax at bedroom but huge mistake, the apartment was the worse, at least air con wich make me sleep well and a lot, go out for have lunch and by the afternoon Patricia , my portuguese friend joined me for a beer at waterfront and last KK sunset, after that she wants to go eat at mcdonalds, i agree with her since some at least some taste know food would be good. Ate a lot and went sleep

Cost of day 130 reais

segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015

05/04/2015 Sabah Adventure Challenge Race Report

Ok, another balance race report!

Day 1 - 35km -
We woke up very early took the vans And after a almost 3 hours arrived at Sabah Tea.
There I took some banana and go start, for my surprise guys wasn't push too much and I got to first CP at first, let's the navigation begins. Didn't find the path to climb and neither others who got me, we decidded to climb trought the bushes as a Malaysian guy was doing, once we got the road I decided to go right and few meters discovered that was wrong, came back and was 3, was with the british guy who was the man to win the race but got problems with my backpack hose and got behind being catch up by others guys, by this time I was mentally bad and make a few more mistakes. By the ennd of the day got the 6th place around 30 minutes of what I could have done. 20 minutes behind 5th.

Day 2 38km - Off course decided to go amoothly and try to keep the pace with better navigators. Firta part was climbs and descents, wich I was able to keep a little together with the british but once we got in forest I loose contact and in the firrat part that we should make a detour from a obstacle i didn't saw and took me like 2 minutes, came back but still could make my way out forest still on 3th place. On the way to CP 3 the portugueses and the french that it was 3 general got me and I tought that they will drop me, but I was able to keep with them, we get to CP 3 together and stayed like this for the most part, at a time after we got a 4k road where the portugueses ran away as me from the french, but in the rest time at CP I could be able to leave with the portugueses and the french no, at this time we got into the trails again on the way to the finish, a long way with aome doubts, bad feelings from our 3 but at the end we got a good navigation and the portugueses arrived front of me for 2 min since they ran well the climb. At the finish we saw the french guy wich was impossible got first then us and later we discovered that he took a part of road and penalized in 15 min. well the 2 guys that was 20 min agead of me just arrived a hour and a half behind wich gaved me a loot of advantage for the last day.

Day 3 18km - now a day for some different, the first part was the climb of 700mts to the water fallin 4k, veeery step and I couldn't be able to keep the pace of french and portugueses, once we got back they gave us a map with 15 points where we should collet 6 of them, treasure hunt! By the end of the day I have discovered that I have choose good points but again a not good navigation, probably cost me around 20 minutes but would not make any difference since the french guy was tight to the portuguese wich make a great navigation and the others behind me was even worse than me. Arrived well took care of my nose wich have been hurt from a palm tree with spines on my climb to waterfall and at final kept my 5th place. 
Went very well since the portuguese and the french I think was better runners than, the portuguese has marathon for under 3 hours so... 
About the race I really really liked the enviroment of friendship, the days at my own tent, the portuguese guys that I met, what a great time and historic race for me.
Then time to pack things and come back, arrived at Promenade Apartments Services that I booked by the kitchen expeting to cook but the building is hust totally bad, old the worse, just resting and waiting for bali

quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2015

01/04/2015 Pre Prova Sabah Adventure Challenge

Today was a rush day! Woke up, coffe, shopping to get the anti leech socks (34,00) and a idea of matress for sleep in camp, decided for a inflated one like use on pool, craziness but could be work (24,00). 
Back to hotel and change the hotel, got a little stress with taxis drivers, always the same, and at last cost me 20 reais. 
Arrived at Mega Daru hotel, got disappointed with quality but met the others athletes, race atmosfere i'm back.
Had a terrible lunch at KFC because there is nothing around here (20,00).
Back to hotel and shuttle take us to the briefing, got there and happy to be on a race again, a lot of locals and nearby countries wich make me a star coming from so far.
The briefing was quite good, honest, liked a lot the organization and could see that it will be very hard on navigation, looks like there is some traps on the way, lets see.
Well back to hotel again, decided to eat microwave pasta from 7-11 and get things for tomorrow, just finished at 23:00 got shower and time to bed
Pretty excited for all that waits me, it wil be different than El Cruce but not less good!

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015

01/04/2015 Kota Kinabalu

Scuba Dive Day!! Woke up early and went to Gaya Island where is the Doen Below private space. Great place, calm, beatiful beach, own building,
we took the scuba class right on beach and the first skills on water warm, greaaaat!
After that we made our first dive on a reef right there in the beach, what a experience. 
After that, lunch, wich it was ok, 15 minutes relaxing on beach
and then 2 dive, it was in Sapi Island and more time on deep around 12 meters, greaaat,
could spot cloud fish, nemo, moreia and others....

Came back and a lot of thanks to our instructor wich was a great guy, Tommy. He also did the ultra marathon other years and love samba and capoeira. Great time!
Came back to KK decided to have a simple dinner at Pizza Hut , 20 reais and make some shopping at market and GNC for the race, total 130 reais.
Back to hotel wash some clothe and bed, tomorrow heading to Mega Daru
Total 150 reais